Monday, April 12, 2010


This past weekend was amazing! The first part of my trip started last Thursday. I skipped last absences! Cant miss anymore classes. I flew out early in the morning to Liverpool for my big Beatles adventure. And yes I was solo....and yes I am no worries!

At the airport, I met the cutest grandparents and their two grandchildren who were just on vacation in Barcelona. They told me how to get on the right bus. They were so sweet and helpful. Not sure if I could've done it without them. It took awhile, but I got into the heart of Liverpool at my hotel and checked in. I dropped my bag off and headed straight to the Magical Mystery Tour. I didn't want to be late! So I find my way to Albert Dock and try to find where the tour meets. I find a tourist information center and they tell me that the tour is sold out!!!! I was literally about to cry because this was my only day in Liverpool and kinda the reason I they told me to come back at 2:20...and it was I was like okay....what is going to change in 15 minutes? Anyway, I didn't question them because they were trying to help me. So I went and got some starbucks, looked around the Beatles story memorabilia store. I go back 15 minutes later and the woman told me, "We told you to come back at 2:20!" and my phone said 2:19 so I was like jeeeez louise. 1 minute difference? So I politiely asked her, "Well isn't it jsut about 2:20?" She replied that it was 1:20. The UK is an hour behind Barcelona. Whoops. So at that point I really didn't know what to do. So I wandered Albert Dock and found two free museums.....a boat museum and a slavery museum.....two things I am not very interested in. But I had time. So I went in and they were kinda interesting. I did learn about how 3 of the most tragic boat accidents in history occured out of Liverpool. Needless to say, I will never take a boat out of Liverpool. So I go back at 2:20 and the tour guide is there. He told me that they were sold out but they would try to make room on the bus for me! NICEST THING EVER! So his usual the the one they gave me. I had the best seat in the house! Then the tour left.

Now here is the bummer part....I took a bunch of great pictures this day, but later that night, I lost my camera. So depressed about that. So I cannot remember every single thing we did, but here are my highlights:

1. Penny Lane. It actually exists. The barber who shows photographs...he actually existed. And his shop is still there. I saw the bank where the banker with a motorcar worked. The shelter in the roundabout....that all exists. It was so fun.

2. Saw where Ringo and George were born and grew up. Saw John Lennon's house....and Paul's last house in Liverpool. Didn't get to go inside any of them, but still cool to be there.

3. The church were Paul and John met! And behind that church...there is a gravestone for Eleanor Rigby....although it was a completely coincidence they have a song by the same title.

4. Strawberry Field. It was where John played as a kid. You cannot go in...but we saw the red gates!

After the tour was over, I wandered to the Hard Days Night Hotel to look around. Then on my way back to Albert Dock, I was passing a store and saw the cutest pink coat ever! Now, before I came to Europe, I was going to allow myself a big purchase...a purse. But I never got one in the cities we went to. So I figured it was now or never...and it was hugely on sale and not very expensive. So impulse buy...yes. But I will carry great memories with this coat now.

Then I made it to the Beatles Story....the museum that gives an EXTENSIVE history on the Beatles. I had a great time going through that....learning things I had never known. After that, decided to wander back to my hotel. Went to the grocery store, got some chips, cookies and pasta salad. I decided I would go lay down and take a nap for awhile before I was going to see a cover band that night.

(Picture the awesome bus driver took on the tour and posted to facebook. Thanks Magical Mystery Tour! My only photo from liverpool and i'm not even looking...tear.)

Well it is a good thing I woke up 20 minutes before the concert started! I bolted to The Cavern, where the Beatles used to play all the time. It was a little intimidating all by myself, not knowing anyone, in a bar. But I ended up having one of the best nights of my life. The cover band, Mersey Beatles, played until 2 in the morning and I stayed the entire time! I never knew I could have such a good time by myself. But that also comes at a price....the loss of my precious camera and all my pictures from the day. I'm really sad about it. I made it back to the hotel in one piece and had to wake up early to catch my train to London!

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